Resources For Health Professionals

Information for Health Care Professionals

This page contains information on how health care professionals can contact Dr Baer and refer patients, along with some websites specifically aimed at health care professionals when it comes to kidney health.

How to contact Dr Baer

Dr Baer welcomes calls from GPs for phone support or questions.  He is available through the Mater or Wesley Hospital switchboards for calls from doctors.  His reception can also put you in direct contact via 07 3187 7680.


How to refer to Dr Baer

Referrals can be sent via your patient, Medical Objects (preferred) or faxed to 3378 4407.


Which patients should I refer to Dr Baer?

Appropriate referral guidelines for nephrology patients can be found in the CKD Go! app (available on iTunes & Google Play) or the CKD Management in General Practice document (1.7MB).


What tests should I order before referring a patient?

For Nephrology patients, appropriate management and investigations as can be found in the CKD Guidelines for General Practice (1.7MB).

Dr Baer is happy to field phone calls from GPs if there is doubt about the value of tests you may be considering.

Tests usually include:

  • blood pressure testing (clinic or ambulatory as necessary)
  • blood tests including eGFR (FBC, E,LFTs)
  • urine tests including Albumin:creatinine ratio, Protein:creatinine ratio, Mid Stream Urine (MSU)
  • renal ultrasound (or other renal imaging if available/indicated)
  • any other relevant tests you may also deem appropriate in determining the cause of renal disease


Does Dr Baer do Telehealth?

Dr Baer is able to do a Telehealth appointment if clinically appropriate. Having spent many years working in regional and remote parts of Queensland, Dr Baer recognises that Telehealth is a great way to improve access to healthcare for people in these locations. There are, of course, limitations to Telehealth and where possible, it is important to foster good working relationships with local health care providers.  Please contact reception on 07 3187 7680 to discuss further.

Website and Online Resources For Health Professionals

KHA website resources for Health Professionals

CKD management in General Practice 5th edition

CKD Go! App
Available through iTunes & Google Play

KHA-CARI (Kidney Health Australia – Caring for Australasians with Renal Impairment) Guidelines for CKD, Transplant and Dialysis.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success”

– Henry Ford

Get in touch with Dr Baer and his team

Contact Richard Baer

Dr Baer’s main practice is located at
Wesley Medical Centre
Suite 36, Level 3, 40 Chasely St, Auchenflower

Contact Richard Baer

Please note our new contact details:
Phone: 07 3187 7680
Fax: 07 3378 4407