Kidney Resources: Information, Education and Compassion
For many patients dealing with kidney health problems finding answers and information can be challenging and scary. Our kidney resources section has common terms and definitions used when discussing kidney health, as well as links to important organisations and websites for both patients and health care professionals.
Dr Baer takes the approach of combining the care of patient’s physical health with understanding and compassion and education to help people feel as comfortable and as confident as possible when dealing with health issues. Dr Baer works alongside GPs and allied health professionals as part of your overall health care team to make sure you are informed, cared for and feel supported in every way. He is also able to help advocate for your health and the health of the Queensland community.
If this is your first visit to our site, we recommend looking at the information about general kidney function and health, then move on to our common terms and definitions or faqs. If you would like to book an appointment with our clinic please contact us.
Dr Baer consults at a number of medical facilities including the Mater Medical Centre, the Brookwater Mater Health Centre, the Wellers Hill Medical Centre and at the Wesley Medical Centre.
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data”
-Sir Arthur Conon Doyle
Medical terms can be confusing and hard to understand. Our common terms section contain definitions for frequently used medical terms related to kidney health and care.
In our faq section you’ll find the answers to the most common questions we’re asked about kidney health and care. Have a new question? Contact us and we’d be happy to help answer it.
There are a lot of great organisations with additional information on kidney health and care, and we have links and resources for patients and health professionals alike.
Health Care Professionals
If you are a health care professional who would like to connect with Dr Baer, please feel free to contact our offices. We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have.
Get in touch with Dr Baer and his team
Dr Baer’s main practice is located at Wesley Medical Centre Auchenflower. He also has clinics at Mater Medical Centre South Brisbane and Mater Health Hub Springfield
Please note our new contact details:
Phone: 07 3187 7680
Fax: 07 3378 4407